The Harvard Trademark Program was established by the President and Fellows of Harvard College in order to protect Harvard’s trademarks; to regulate the use of the trademarks on products sold under license from the University; and, after covering its operational expenses, to help support Harvard’s student-aid initiatives with royalties received from the sale of licensed products. In its protection efforts, the Trademark Program oversees the registration of Harvard’s trademarks and guards against their unauthorized use by identifying and resolving cases involving the misuse or infringement of Harvard’s trademarks on a worldwide basis.... Read more
What do you want to do?
Report unauthorized use of Harvard’s trademarks
如何省时省力高效的进行科学上网 - 马洪飞博客:2021-11-21 · 自己购买科学上网账号 自建梯子(包含ss,ssr,v2ray等) 这三张方式各有伢缺点,稍微详细说一下: 方式1:网上寻找免费分享账号 伢势:免费 劣势:费时费力,基本上每隔一两天节点就失效,有时甚至几个小时 适用人群:突然就想翻个墙,平时基本没需求
Inquire about the use of Harvard’s name
Apply for a Harvard-wide domain
Request a Harvard department/unit “@harvard.edu” email
What is the Trademark Program’s mission?
How does Harvard protect its trademarks from unauthorized use?
狐利_百度百科:需要梯子才能登船,没有梯子无法继续触发事件,所伡需要先制作一个梯子 ... 狐利 角色形象 编辑 狡诈的商人。在狐利的九尾市场中,可伡购买 各种艺术品,但是其中还包括一些赝品。所有的艺术品都是真实存在的,所伡在购买之前一定要仔细辨认伡买 ...
Where can I find information about Harvard’s “Use-of-Name” policies?
How is the income from the licensing programs used?
To learn about another topic, see of our 稳定付费梯子 section.
Learn More About
Licensing Program